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This page is managed by the author of Bloomsbury's award winning National Curriculum Outdoors series of books.

This page is managed by the author of Bloomsbury's award winning National Curriculum Outdoors series of books.
Erasmus+ Natural Schooling project handbook (English language version)

Erasmus+ Natural Schooling project handbook (English language version)

This English version handbook is a collaborative output by organisations in Italy, Spain, Sweden and the UK as part of the Erasmus+ funded ‘Natural Schooling: using curriculum innovation projects to improve student outcomes’ and is designed to guide readers to key resources relating to Outdoor Learning, Natural Schooling and inter-professional working. This handbook shares planning for Natural Schooling curriculum innovations with those interested in learning with, about and through nature. The handbook is also available in other language versions (Swedish, Italian and Spanish). This is free to download from the Natural Schooling.eu or National Curriculum Outdoors websites Sorry I am unable to provide a live link for you due to TES site permissions! The handbook is free to download
Developing a Natural Schooling Approach

Developing a Natural Schooling Approach

Developing a Natural Schooling Approach - a self directed CPD reading resource for teachers and school leaders. This booklet consists of 5 Key Elements written to support participants in their understanding of how a Natural Schooling approach to outdoor learning can make a meaningful difference to not just the learners, but the teachers themselves. It draws on the experiences of the Erasmus + Natural Schooling project using examples, case studies and current research. It provides opportunities for practitioners to reflect on their own professional practices and to consider the potential and implications of adopting a Natural Schooling approach in their own setting. This course is Intellectual Output 7, of the Natural Schooling Project and has been written by the co-author of Bloomsbury’s ‘National Curriculum Outdoors; a complete scheme of work’ series of books. Visit the National Curriculum Outdoors website to find out more.